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Working Together To Keep Children Safe

Safeguarding In Spond

Working Together To Keep Children Safe

Spond and ECPAT Norway are committed to ensuring that the best interests of children and young people involved in activities are withheld and protected. A central goal for all involved in children’s activities is to provide a safe, positive, and nurturing environment where children can develop and enhance their physical and social skills.

Children have the right to be safe and have fun

Children (everyone under 18) have the right to be safe and have fun. This is articulated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). SG helps protect these rights. You must:


Make sure children’s safety is a priority at all times

Follow a child-centred approach – listen to what children say and treat them seriously

Report any concerns about children – immediately

Make sure you understand what specific safeguarding responsibilities are included in your role

Safeguarding: The Basic Steps

Safeguarding Best Practices

Get an Up-to-Date criminal record check – ideally renew each year!

Be cautious with videos and photographs

Never work alone – always have two adults present!

Keep all communication open – both online and offline

Complete safeguarding training

Maintain safe and appropriate online behaviour

Safeguarding Best Practices

When it comes to safeguarding, you are never on your own. If you are concerned about a child, there are always people who can provide advice and support. To find out who they are in your environment, go to the resources page and click on the links.

Safeguarding Is Everyone’s Responsibility

If something looks, sounds, or feels wrong – report it.


Coaches and volunteers

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Children and young people

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How To Report Concerns

If you have concerns about the well-being of a child, or children, it’s important that you share these with the right people. You should always bear in mind, however, that it is not your responsibility to judge whether or not a child is being abused but to report your concerns appropriately.

For non-urgent concerns, there are several options available, including seeking support from your national governing body (if applicable), local authority social care services, the NSPCC, or the Child Protection in Sport Unit.

Call 911 for emergency services right away. 

Contact the Child Help USA tel. 1.800.422.4453

Ann Craft Trust offers expert advice on any safeguarding issues.