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Notifier les membres des clubs

Transmettez les messages importants à tout le monde en même temps

Regardez cette courte vidéo pour voir comment cela fonctionne :

Voici quelques conseils précieux à retenir :

Définir les préférences

Control what notifications you receive by turning “push notifications” on and off in your individual profile preferences.

Minimiser le bruit

You can turn off notifications for comments on a certain post by pressing the downward arrow on the relevant post.

Spond phone Device

Notifications d'événements

As a Spond user you can decide if you want to turn notifications on or off for a certain event, or a whole series of events.

Paramètres du groupe

Soon, Spond will make it possible to get push notifications in your most important groups, and limit the push in groups where updates are less time sensitive.

Spond phone Device
  • Définir les préférences
    Control what notifications you receive by turning “push notifications” on and off in your individual profile preferences.
  • Minimiser le bruit
    You can turn off notifications for comments on a certain post by pressing the downward arrow on the relevant post.
  • Notifications d'événements
    As a Spond user you can decide if you want to turn notifications on or off for a certain event, or a whole series of events.
  • Paramètres du groupe
    Soon, Spond will make it possible to get push notifications in your most important groups, and limit the push in groups where updates are less time sensitive.

Pour plus d'informations sur les notifications dans Spond, visitez notre centre d'aide

L'inscription prend 1 minute

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