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Scouting Group App

Over 10 000 unique users are associated with scouting in Spond

Common obstacles scouting admins face and how Spond helps solve them:

Organise scouting meetings and activities

Managing a scouting troop involves organizing meetings, activities, and expeditions. Spond streamlines communication, allowing you to directly connect with your scouts in the app, distribute meeting schedules, provide activity instructions, and even share videos or images of ideal scouting techniques and skills.

Coordinate availability for scouting events and camping trips

Scouting events and camping trips require careful planning and organization. With Spond, you can send out invites, monitor real-time RSVPs, and even establish a waiting list if the number of available spots is exceeded.

Ensure compliant communications and messaging

Spond prioritizes secure and traceable communication, ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR. Send messages, share information, and discuss trip strategies within the app, allowing you to focus on enhancing your scouts’ skills and experiences in the various aspects of scouting.

If you’re keen to learn more, read this article from Cub Scout Ideas on how you can further utilize Spond for all your scouting purposes!


Spond phone Device

Import and schedule your scouting sessions with ease

Spond will automatically send out the invitations to your scout group. You can easily edit, add or cancel future events, or change the time frame for how long in advance the invitations are sent out.

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  • “Spond is a really great way of being able to take control of all the activities and getting communications out to people within our group – I highly recommend it!”

    Robin Drake | Scout leader - 2nd Thornbury Cubs

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