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Safeguarding - Children and Young People

Everyone has the right to a fun and safe childhood – to explore lots of activities

Activities should be safe, fun and accessible for everyone

We want to make sure all children and young people have the most amount of enjoyment possible.

We know that safeguarding is the way to make this possible. It protects all children and young people. We want to make sure you are not placed in a situation where you feel uncomfortable or at risk.

We are working to ensure that you are treated appropriately by everyone involved with the activity – this can include adults, young people and other children. Your opinions and views matter – if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable then you should let a trusted adult know.Always remember you have the right to enjoy all the activities you take part in.


This trust should never be abused. Being sexually involved with any child you work with, online or offline, can be sexual abuse

As a child or young person taking part in activities, weunderstand you have the right to:

Enjoy the time you spend with us and know that you are safe

Feel welcomed, valued and not judged based on your race, gender, sexuality or ability

Be told who you can talk to if something is not right

Be looked after if there is an accident or injury and have your parents informed if needed

Be involved and contribute towards decisions within the club or activity

Be respected by us and other group members and be treated fairly

Be safe from unwanted or uncomfortable online or offline communication

Be listen to

Be encouraged and develop skills

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