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The #1 club payment collection software

Manage all aspects of your club’s finances, send payment requests, monitor payment activity and generate bespoke reports

Check out this simple, short walkthrough-video to see how you can collecting payments in Spond Club:

Here are some key features for collecting payments in Spond Club:

Spond laptop Device

Payment Requests

Setup payment requests to your whole club, specific groups or set criteria (ie. All senior team players or supporters).

Monitor Income

Monitor incoming payments in real time and create lists of those with outstanding payment requests.

Bespoke Reporting

Generate reports on all payment requests, settlements to your club accounts and outstanding payments.

Manage Invoicing

Create invoices for payments due to your club.

  • Payment Requests
    Setup payment requests to your whole club, specific groups or set criteria (ie. All senior team players or supporters).
  • Monitor Income
    Monitor incoming payments in real time and create lists of those with outstanding payment requests.
  • Bespoke Reporting
    Generate reports on all payment requests, settlements to your club accounts and outstanding payments.
  • Manage Invoicing
    Create invoices for payments due to your club.

To discover more about collecting payments with Spond Club, please visit our help center


  • What is Spond Club's club payment collection feature and how can it benefit my club?

    Spond Club’s payment collection feature is designed to streamline the financial management of your club. It allows you to manage all aspects of your club’s finances efficiently, from sending payment requests to monitoring payment activity and generating bespoke reports. This tool simplifies the process of collecting payments, making it easier for clubs to manage their finances and focus on enhancing their activities and member experience.

  • How do I set up payment requests using Spond Club?

    Setting up payment requests in Spond Club is straightforward. You can send requests to your entire club, specific groups, or set criteria, such as all senior team players or supporters. This feature enables you to tailor your payment collection to fit the unique needs of your club, ensuring that payment requests are sent to the appropriate members efficiently.

  • Can I monitor incoming payments in real-time with Spond Club?

    Yes, Spond Club allows you to monitor incoming payments in real-time. This feature provides you with the ability to create lists of members who have outstanding payment requests, helping you to manage your club’s finances more effectively and ensure that all payments are collected in a timely manner.

  • What kind of reports can I generate with Spond Club?

    With Spond Club, you can generate bespoke reports on all payment requests, settlements to your club accounts, and outstanding payments. These reports are customisable, allowing you to gain insights into your club’s financial health and track the status of payments and invoicing with precision.

  • How does Spond Club handle invoicing for club payments?

    Spond Club offers a comprehensive invoicing feature that allows you to create invoices for payments due to your club. This simplifies the process of requesting and managing payments, providing a professional and efficient way to handle financial transactions within your club.

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