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Unleash the Power of Simple, Secure Payments in the Spond App


Streamline Your Group's Payments with Spond

You know that warm fuzzy feeling when you plan something perfectly? Yeah, that’s the one. The satisfaction of crossing off a to-do list item? Pure bliss, right? We bet there’s one thing you never thought you could have that feeling about: payments. Yep, you read that right. We’re talking about taking the ‘ugh’ out of payment collections and replacing it with ‘ahh’.

Welcome to the Spond app’s payment feature, your next favourite function. Get ready to collect payments for fixtures, lessons, classes, and any other group-related expenses without breaking a sweat.

Master the Art of Payment Requests

Our handy feature lets you create payment requests directly within your group or subgroups. Want to collect for that thrilling annual trip, the membership fee, or those new shiny uniforms? Just tap the + symbol and you’re good to go.

Details, Details, Details

A quick tip before you hit the request button: Make sure to fill in the relevant details for the payment. A well-described request, a due date, and whether the payment is mandatory or optional can go a long way in ensuring prompt payments.

Multiple Payments, Multiple Purposes

The world is diverse and so are your payment needs. With yhr Spond app, you can set a single amount or add multiple products with different prices. Want more? You can even select a quantity and attach additional information for the recipient.

Embrace the Power of Direct Payments

No more chasing people for payments. Participants can pay directly in the app. And if they aren’t using Spond? No problem! They can pay through an email link. Simple.

Get More with the Magic of Three Dots

Our handy three-dot menu next to the ‘Edit’ option is a treasure trove of features. Press it and find options to duplicate the request, create an event from the request, or even create a sub-group. And if you ever need to, you can also delete the request.

Whether you’re a coach, admin, or enthusiastic group leader, the Spond app can save you hours on managing and receiving payments. Just set up your group, select ‘Payment request, and follow the steps outlined in this blog. It’s as easy as pie!

If you’ve made it this far, give yourself a pat on the back. You’re now an honorary member of the Spond Payments Fan Club. Your next step? Get out there and start exploring. And remember, we’re just a click away if you need any assistance.

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