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Top Tips to Manage Your Grassroots Club or Team at Christmas


Smiling grassroots team enjoying a festive break with a backdrop of Christmas decorations and a football in the foreground.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone at Spond

As the festive season approaches, managing your grassroots club or team can become a juggling act of festivities, rest, and preparation for the new year. Here are ten tips to keep your members engaged, healthy, and ready to hit the ground running in January.

Step into 2024 with Spond

  1. Plan a Virtual Team Meet-up: Organise an online gathering before the break. Use this time to celebrate the year’s achievements, share holiday wishes, and discuss goals for the upcoming year. It’s a wonderful way to maintain team spirit and camaraderie even when physical meetings aren’t possible.
  2. Encourage Individual Skills Practice: Provide a list of simple and fun exercises that players can do in their garden or living room. Encourage them to keep a diary of their practice to discuss when the team reconvenes. This keeps their skills sharp and maintains a sense of routine.
  3. Promote Rest and Recovery: Stress the importance of taking a complete break from structured training. Remind players and parents that rest is crucial for physical and mental recovery, especially after a demanding season. Share relaxation techniques or fun, non-sport-related activities they can enjoy.
  4. Share Inspirational Content: Compile a list of motivational movies, documentaries, and books. This can keep the players’ passion for the game alive and offer them new perspectives on sport and sportsmanship.
  5. Set Personal Goals: Guide players in setting personal development goals for the new year. This might include technical skills they wish to improve, fitness goals, or even team-related objectives. Encouraging them to write these down and share them can boost commitment.
  6. Organize a Fun Fitness Challenge: To keep players active, create a holiday fitness challenge. It could be a daily set of exercises or a fun competition with creative rewards. Ensure it’s light-hearted and suitable for all fitness levels.
  7. Encourage Nutritional Awareness: Share tips and simple recipes for healthy eating during the holidays. Highlight the importance of nutrition in maintaining fitness and encourage them to try making healthy snacks or meals with their families.
  8. Plan for the New Year: Give players something to look forward to. Outline preseason activities, potential matches, or tournaments in the new year. This helps maintain excitement and focus for what’s ahead.
  9. Foster a Sense of Community: Encourage players to stay in touch with each other. They could exchange holiday cards, share their personal sports achievements, or even support a community cause together. This strengthens team bonds even when they’re apart.
  10. Reflect and Appreciate: Take time to personally reflect on each player’s growth and send out individual messages of appreciation. Acknowledge their hard work, resilience, and improvements over the year. This personal touch can significantly boost morale and motivation.

Take Time Out

Remember, the holiday season is a time for joy and rejuvenation. Balancing relaxation with continued engagement ensures your grassroots club or team will start the new year on a strong, united front. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Spond will be here to help you make 2024 a successful year for your club or team. 



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